Developing Vietnam’s high-quality human resources in conditions of industrial revolution 4.0: some theoretical aspects - Nguyen Huu Hoi

Developing Vietnam’s high-quality human resources in conditions of industrial revolution 4.0: some theoretical aspects
Nguyen Huu Hoi

Abstract: In the modern period, human resources are considered as a leading factor that determines the scale, speed, nature and effectiveness of the socio-economic development of all countries. Human resource training for development is always an urgent requirement of the reality and is also a matter that needs to be carefully studied from the theoretical perspective. In this article, based on the identification of the basic nature of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and the requirements for Vietnam, the author analyzes some theoretical aspects related to the high-quality human resource development to meet the new requirements of the era. The author emphasizes the need to be aware of the role of the three pillars of high-quality human resources in Vietnam at present - intellectuals, managers and entrepreneurs.
Keywords: Industrial Revolution 4.0, human resources, knowledge economy, science, management, policy, Vietnam.

Bulletin of science and education. 2020. № 6 (84). Part 1. PP. 48-52. ISSN 2312-8089. DOI: 10.24411/2312-8089-2020-10601.

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